An Interview With Me: Turning 30


If you could eat one food every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?


Whose style is an inspiration to you?

For fashion, I adore Fran Drescher in The Nanny. I just started re-watching the show and her wardrobe is so phenomenal. 90s fashion will always have a special place in my heart. For a more modern style (and for daily inspo) I love Julia Berolzheimer. Her style and home tastes are unmatched. Also really into Lydia Tomlinson’s style. Very effortlessly chic.

What do you want to be remembered for?

I hope people will remember me as kind, patient, open minded and a good listener (all things I need to get better at!) Also, I hope the term elegant gets thrown around in there, too! haha

Do you stick to any daily routines?

Every day is a little different but on weekdays I must wake up at 5:30am so I can have my alone time before my husband and kids wake up. If I don’t do this, I am in the worst mood for the rest of the day!

I take a detox bath every Sunday night. I look forward to it all week. I use bath salts and light candles. It’s my favorite “me-time” activity.

Do you have a go to drink?

I’m not currently drinking but when I do, champagne all the way! Also, the occasional Aperol Spritz in the summer.


Which accomplishment are you most proud of?

Birthing and raising my babies. By far, the hardest challenge of my life. It has molded me into a new person who is resilient and strong. I am so proud of myself but also, eternally grateful to them for shaping me into the person I am today.

What is something you are not proud of?

Honestly, the person I used to be in my early 20s. The way I treated myself and regarded others…I just cringe thinking about it. I was so broken and had so much learning and healing to do and I didn’t even realize it! That’s not to say I am perfect now, of course not. But in your 20s, you think you know it all and are invincible. At least now I recognize my shortcomings and I hope never to be that person again.

What is one thing marriage has taught you?

Respect and kindness are so much more important than I initially realized. My husband is my favorite person in the whole world. He has shown me what true respect and kindness look like. But I think our marriage has survived the last almost 7 years because he is also the love of my life. You can’t only have kindness and respect, you need the butterflies too! Otherwise it is just a really solid friendship.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

A small coastal village in the Mediterranean would be perfect. I love the idea of a slow, simple life with excellent weather year round and close to the ocean or sea.

What is one thing you wish more women knew?

The importance of following your gut and listening to your intuition. It is a journey to tune in to that inner voice. It takes years of practice and trusting yourself. Once you learn to listen, you realize it never steers you wrong. This is something that proves particularly difficult for women due in large part to the flooding of societal messages we are fed since childhood. It takes years to unlearn all of that and learn to trust yourself instead.

What are some things you would like to do more of in your 30s?

Travel, date nights with my husband, be more social and meet new people, cook new recipes and just have a bit more fun! Much of my 20s was spent focusing on responsibilities. I want my 30s to feel fun and well lived.

What’s something you are striving to be better at?

Not judging and simply listening. I don’t want to see others through my lense of life, I want to know others for who they truly are. I want to find more common ground with others. Focus on those things that make us human as opposed to the things that divide us.

Do you have a signature scent?

I love fragrance! I am currently still searching for my signature, everyday scent. But I will say, few fragrances have captivated me as strongly as Tom Ford’s Ombre Leather has. That perfume is exquisitely crafted. It is the ultimate sexy, sophisticated career woman scent.

What is something surprising about yourself that you have recently discovered?

The other day, I was marveling at the realization that the things I most enjoy doing today are the same things that used to bring me joy as a child. Somewhere between childhood and early adulthood, my passions became lost and convoluted with other people’s opinions. Pay attention to things that used to spark joy in you before the world told you who to be. I believe that is the quickest way to find our purpose in life.

Do you want more kids?

Nope, we are done! It’s funny, growing up I was never even sure I wanted to be a mom. Now we have two beautiful babies (and a fur baby!) and I couldn’t picture my life without them. It feels like our family is truly complete and we are so thankful for that.

Do you have a favorite quote?

So many! I am currently working on a book to pass down to my children when they are older of all my favorite quotes that have inspired me at different seasons of life. One in particular that comes to mind is “You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say.” from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

What advice would you give to younger you?

Find a way to drown out the noise. Forget about what your family wants for you or what society tell you that you should accomplish by a certain age. It is so hard living with regrets. And it is so much better to disappoint the world than to disappoint yourself. So make it a priority to learn the language of your inner voice and become fluent in it. Consult it first before every life decision and I promise, it will never steer you wrong.


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